Sugary Drinks & Your Smile

Sugary drinks are becoming a popular beverage choice for many people on a daily basis. Unfortunately, these drinks are not healthy for you or your smile.  Everyone has harmful bacteria in their mouths that get energy from the sugars and creates an acid. The acid the bacteria make can harm your teeth, create cavities, and cause erosion.

Here is a list of drinks that are full of sugar and a better alternative for you and your dental heath:

Lots of Sugar                                       A  Better Choice

Soda Water
Energy Drinks Milk
Juice or Fruit Punch Unsweetened tea
Chocolate Milk Diluted juice

Here are some suggestions to consider if you do drink a beverage containing sugar:

  • Drink, Don’t Sip: Drink the beverage quickly, if you sip the beverage throughout the day you are allowing more time for the bacteria to eat the sugars and to create cavities.
  • Fluoride is your Friend: If your community’s water is fluoridated, drink more tap water to improve your dental health.
  • Brush and Floss your Teeth: Brush and floss your teeth twice a day.

Remember to schedule regular professional cleanings and exams.  Don’t have a dental home? Please call Hillside Dental at (715)834-6603 to schedule your new patient visit.